Upon approval of your site you will be issued this license. Please read it carefully to make sure that you agree to its terms. We do not make exceptions. Thank you.
Suze Randall Pics4Clicks License
This licenses (your name) "Webmaster" to post on the website (your URL) any and all of the images residing in Suze Randall's Webmaster Image Base under the following conditions:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY: All participants in Suze Randall's Pics4Clicks will be held to legal and honest conduct in all website related activities. Reports of misconduct will result in immediate termination of your Pics4Clicks License.
1. BANNER PLACEMENT AND PASSWORD ACCESS: Webmaster agrees to post a Suze Randall banner in a permanent location of the freely accessible area of all sites displaying Suze Randall content and on the first thumbnail page of every Suze Randall photo shoot posted. Image galleries submitted to Thumbnail Gallery Posts using Suze Randall images must include a banner to suze.net displayed in a prominent position. If Suze Randall images are displayed behind a membership or AVS protected area, a suze.net banner must appear outside the protected area, and permanent password access must be provided.
2. WEB DESIGN, ARTWORK, LINKING, FILENAMES: Webmaster agrees not to use Suze Randall images for banner or web design or as an ingredient of artwork of any kind. Images may not be used for postcards, puzzles, animations, or anything other than gallery display, may not be distributed via zip file downloads, and may not be used for linking to sites or galleries other than Suze.net. Webmaster agrees not to crop or alter the the images, not to change the file name, nor to delete or otherwise interfere with the copyright notice on Suze Randall photos. Images may be resized.
3. SUB LICENSING, DISTRIBUTION, COPYRIGHT: Webmaster understands that his Pics4Clicks license is "site specific" meaning he is licensed to use Suze Randall images ONLY on those websites registered with our affiliate program, and that he has no right to sub license images to any other webmaster or website, or to use the images on any site or URL not licensed under this agreement. Webmaster may add domains and URLS to his license by enterings the URL address in his Stats Console inside the Pics4Clicks Webmaster Lounge and conforming to all rules and requirements herein. Webmaster understands that Suze Randall continues to be the legal copyright holder of images licensed to him and that nothing in this agreement dilutes this copyright.
4. TRAFFIC TO SUZE.NET, SPAMMING: Pics4Clicks affiliates are required to send a minimum of 300 unique visitors per month to suze.net in exchange for use of Suze Randall premium content. A 90 day grace period for achieving our minimum traffic standard will apply.Webmaster understands that use of Suze Randall images is an exchange for legitimate traffic sent to suze.net using Pics4Clicks linking code (provided upon acceptance). "Legitimate" traffic may be sent only via suze.net banners or text links describing suze.net. Blind links, exit traffic, redirects, traffic scripts, any traffic other than a surfer clicking on a banner or a text link does not qualify and is cause for termination of this agreement. Spamming is a federal offense, any webmaster found spamming will be permanently banned from our program.
5. IMAGE BASE ACCESS: Webmaster understands that when he is issued a password to the Image Base that this password is privileged information for his personal use only.
6. ILLEGALLY OBTAINED IMAGES: Webmaster understands that he is being licensed to post only the Suze Randall images located in the Image Base. Use of Suze Randall images acquired from any source other than the Webmaster Image Base is violation of the terms of this license and infringement upon Suze Randall's copyright. Webmaster understands that as an affiliate of Suze.net he will be required to honor all copyrights, regardless of source. Copyright infringement of any kind will result in termination of this agreement.
7. SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT: In compliance with U.S. Federal court requirements, all sexually explicit images - for example images depicting sexual penetration, male erection and female "pink shots" - must be protected from child access by means of an AVS or valid credit card check.
8. SUZE RANDALL TRADEMARK: Webmaster understands that the name Suze Randallâ„¢ is a registered trademark and agrees not to use the name "Suze" or "Suze Randall" in the name or title of site, title of pages within the site, URL address, or to place the name "Suze" or "Suze Randall" in meta tags or search engines.
9. POSTING ILLEGAL GALLERIES: Webmaster understands that if he is running a pic post, gallery post, search directory or link site where upon submission of pictures from other webmasters/websites are listed, that no listings will be accepted by him or posted on his site which contain blatant and illegal use of Suze Randall's copyrighted material.
10. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: Webmaster understands that his license to use Suze Randall images and access to the Webmaster Image Base may be terminated immediately without notice if he violates any term of this contract. Webmaster understands that this license agreement may change upon 30 days notice. Webmaster understands that this license to use Suze Randall images may be terminated at any time on 30 days' notice solely at the discretion of Suze Randall.
I Agree to honor the terms of Suze Randall's Pics4clicks contract.
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