Suze Randall's Pics4ClicksFrequently Asked Questions
If you have a question that has not been answered here, send us an e-mail.
Qualifications: To qualify for participation in Pics4Clicks, you must have a registered domain. We no longer license use of our images to free host sites. We require that our Webmaster Affiliates use legally compliant content on their sites, honor all copyrights, display Suze Randall banners according to our Pics4Clicks license agreement, and that the theme and presentation of your site is consistent with our marketing guidelines. Your site must be presented in English, or have an English version.
When you apply for your Pics4Clicks license, your site will be reviewed by our staff. We must verify that you are of legal age to receive adult content and that you are the Webmaster of record for the site (we must either find your email address at Internic, or on the website itself). We will not accept sites with more than one unsolicited pop up window. As a Pics4Clicks affiliate, your site will be monitored for compliance at regular intervals which will grant you continual access to our Webmasters Image Base for fresh content. If you run a membership or AVS site, you must provide us with permanent password access to your protected area.
Membership/Pay Sites: Yes! All the terms and conditions of your Pics4Clicks license agreement apply equally to free sites, AVS and membership sites alike. We monitor all sites at regular intervals to ensure compliance. You must provide us with permanent password access to your membership or AVS site.
Traffic: We have 5 affiliate levels. All new affiliates enter our program with Affiliate status providing access to new photo sets from our Webmaster Image Base each month. A minimum of 300 unique visitors per month is required. Webmasaters will have a 60 day grace period to achieve that minimum. Send more than 300 unique hits to each month and your status is elevated to Bronze Affiliate with access to 4 more photo sets. Send more than 1000 unique hits to each month and your status is elevated to Silver 1000 Affiliate with access to 8 more photo sets. After 5000 unique hits to from your account each month, you become a Gold 5000 Affiliate with access to 12 more photo sets. Platinum 10000 Affiliates sending more than 10,000 unique hits to each month have access to our entire Image Base including exclusive photo sets by Holly and Suze Randall seen only at and our Platinum Affiliate sites!
Your final traffic count on the last day of the month determines your Status Level entry into the Image Base for the next month. New photo sets are rotated into our Image Base every month so you are always assured of fresh content for your site.
If you do not send any traffic to for a period of 30 days, your access to our Webmaster's Image Base will be suspended subject to cancellation. Contact the Affiliate Webmistress if you feel your access was blocked inappropriately. If you are making an honest attempt to share traffic in exchange for Suze Randall content, we can work with you to improve traffic to your site, and to ours.
Suze Randall Content: We add new photo sets to our Webmasters Image Base every month. As a Pics4Clicks affiliate, you will be assured of fresh content at regular intervals. We maintain an image base of 1000 high quality images for affiliate use.
Length of Use: You may display Suze Randall images acquired through our Pics4Clicks Image Base for the duration of your License provided you adhere to the Terms of Use of your license agreement, or until notification is given that certain image sets are being expired from the Image Base. If you are found to be in violation of the terms of your license you will be required to remove all Suze Randall images from your site. Blatant misuse may result in legal penalties.
Suze Randall Banners: Suze's banners must be placed on your server. Upon approval, you will receive email instructions for coding your banners to record all traffic to from your account. You will have access to your account records and traffic stats.
Advertising: You may not use Suze Randall images for banners, logos, site graphics, puzzles, postcards or advertisement of any kind. You may not crop or alter the images in any way other than resizeing. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MAY SUZE RANDALL'S COPYRIGHT BE REMOVED OR ALTERED. Images MAY ONLY be displayed in their entirety, either full size, or thumbnails linked to the full size image. Images may not be used for linking to sites other than Please review the Pics4Clicks license agreement.
Suze Randall Trademark: The name "Suze Randall" is trademark propety and may not be used in promotion or advertising for your site other than text copy in the body of your webpage. You may not use "Suze Randall" in the Title or meta tags of your pages, in the URL address, in search engine publication, newsgroup advertisement, or in banner or graphic advertisement of any kind.
TGPs & PicPosts: You may use Suze Randall images to submit to TGPs and PicPosts provided a Suze Randall banner appears on the gallery pages you submit.
Resizing Images: We provide our affiliates with 1024 x 768 jpg format. You may produce thumbnails from the images. You may reduce the image frame size BUT you may NOT crop or alter the proportions or resolution of the images. Images MAY ONLY be displayed in their entirety, either full size, or thumbnails linked to the full size image.
Renaming Images: The image files MAY NOT BE RENAMED.
More than One Site: If you are running more than one site and want to use Suze's images, you must update your Stats Console to include all domains / URLS where Suze content is being used. Your license to use Suze Randall photos is SITE specific. Only those domains that are registered in your account are licensed for legal use of Suze Randall copyrighted material.
Hardcore Images: In compliance with U.S. Federal court requirements, all sexually explicit images - for example images depicting sexual penetration, male erection and female "pink shots" - must be protected from child access by means of an AVS or valid credit card check. Our "hardcore" or "explicit" photo sets are labeled as "AVS" and may only be displayed at your site if an adult verification system is in place.
IN REFERENCE TO UNAUTHORIZED USE OF COPYRIGHTED PHOTOGRAPHS OWNED BY SUZE RANDALL: Suze Randall provides licensed use of her image content to qualifying webmasters. If you see Suze Randall images without her copyright or credit to Suze, you are most likely viewing stolen property. Please report infringers to Unauthorized use of these valuable photographic images constitutes copyright infringement, as prohibited by the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq., (see and International copyright law and is in direct violation of the international rights of the copyright owner. Notice of infringement is sent to the wembaster and service provider since its facilities are being used to infringe the copyrights of others, and risks being held contributory liable for any infringements. If service provider chooses to avail itself of the protections provided under the new Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (17U.S.C. Section 512), such notification serves as a request for the URL listing the service provider's Designated Agent for complaint handling required by 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(2) and as a request for the required termination policy required in 17 U.S.C. Section 512(i)(1)(a).
Suze Randall is a Platinum member of the Association for the Protection of Internet Copyright (APIC) who is copied in this notice.
Additional sources for copyright information:"Public Domain and Fair Use" are addressed at: